Be A Happier You

Embrace January


Joy-open your mind, body, spirit, heart and soul and allow joy to flood through and flow  round.

Acknowledge what's going on for you mentally, physically and emotionally, and ask what can I do to create a change and shift into a happier you, start with kind thoughts, and love your whole being. Even just the willingness to start to change will create more ease.

Notice your body and ask your body what it requires, to eat drink, wear, for any aspect,  a pull forward is yes a pull back is no. It can be very different then listening to our head.

Universe is infinite and just phenomenal, don't ignore it, ask for guidance and help, it is very willing to show you.

Accept you, you are truly an amazing being, so start to accept all of you and believe in you.

Review what thoughts do you wake up with, have throughout the day and fall asleep with. Are they helpful and kind? You can chose to change them, just start to try.

You are a truly magical being, start to believe in yourself and step into the happiness and magic of you.


2- things every day you are grateful for, write them down, keep a pad by your bed and do each night.

0 -Each day make a conscious effort to have no unkind thoughts, as soon as one show up POD and POC it.

1 -you are the only unique 1 of you, so embrace the truly amazing awesomeness of you.

9- Instead of new year's resolutions, set 9 achievable goals for the year, write them down, you have a year to tick them off an add more, yeah!!

Huge hugs to all, Sending an abundance of joy and kindness xxx

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